Shenuka Corea
A Senior Capstone Exhibition
Manthiram is a series of interconnected vignettes of the Mannar pearl fisheries off the coast of Sri Lanka. This graphic novel explores humanity’s enchantment with the sea and its contents, and the charms and rituals with which we attempt to commune with it. “Manthiram” is a Tamil word meaning spell or enchantment. The Manthiram exhibition is a reading space where viewers can sit, relax and read the graphic novel at their own pace. The floor of the gallery is covered with a carpet and cushions for viewers to lounge on. It is also a space where the viewer can be immersed in the world of the graphic novel. The blue green lighting designed by Isabel Rios, the salty sea smell and a soundscape designed by Keira Simmons create the sensation of being underwater, the shark charmer’s voice coming from above the surface. Objects and artifacts connected to the story populate the space to provide a tactile element.
About the artist
Shenuka Corea is a visual storyteller, designer, illustrator and concept artist.
Exhibition Hours
On view: Tuesday April 9th – Friday April 12th, 2019